Type of work Client type Client profile Sector Description
Partnersearch and match making African companies Exporter of processed foods Agro-industry Finding a reliable European trade partner for export to Europe
Partnersearch and match making African companies Exporter of fruit & vegetables Horticulture Finding a reliable European trade partner for export to Europe
Partnersearch and match making African companies Importer and distributor of capital goods Technical equipment Finding a reliable European trade partner for import and distribution of solar equipment in Central and East Africa
Outgoing and incoming trade missions Own initiative Own initiative Several sectors Trade mission of some 12 entrepreneurs from Rwanda to The Netherlands, involving over 100 Dutch participants
Finding and obtaining financing and funding African companies African companies Several sectors Assisted several African companies in applying and obtaining financing and private equity for investment projects
Awareness raising and knowledge transfer Own initiative Own initiative Several sectors Organization of an awareness raising and knowledge transfer workshop on internationalization for SMEs
Partnersearch and match making African companies Hotel owner Tourism Finding a reliable European investment partner
Finding and obtaining financing and funding European companies European companies Several sectors Sunsia assisted several Dutch companies in applying and obtaining funding for investment projects (a.o. PSOM)

In this country we have a local office: Sunsia Kigali. Please refer to our “offices” page for contact details, or contact our head office.